All Virtual Students
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 A special congratulations to the 33 students that spent one or both semesters this year with SJVS! Best of luck in your future.
Elementary Students
IF you have not yet completed the
SURVEY for next year, please do so ASAP. We will utilize the data to determine what our virtual program will look like next fall. Thank you!
Computer collection for elementary virtual students who have school issued computers will be on June 10th from 1 pm to 3 pm at the high school.
Middle School Students
June 11th is the final day for classes. There will be no extensions provided.
Computer Collection
Computer collection for school issued computers will be on June 14 from 1-3 pm at the high school. More details to come.
High School Students
Exams for second semester will once again be optional. However, there will be a slight difference. All Virtual courses will have the exams removed. It will be your responsibility to contact the teacher should you choose to take the exam. IF you choose to take it and your grade goes down, you will need to let the teacher know not to count it and have it once again removed.
Virtual students will be receiving the grades they earn this semester. Credit/No Credit will not be an option for high school virtual students this spring.
June 11th is the final day for classes. There will be no extensions provided.
Computer Collection
Computer collection for school issued computers will be on June 14 from 1-3 pm at the high school. More details to come.